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Supplements and Apparel that are taking the equestrian world by storm


Earlier in the year, Wendy started her Equi-fit journey. Originally fed on Equi-Fit Immuno as she seemed under par to help with her coat, scouring and overall general health. After the ten days was completed she has been fed on the Equi-Fit Basic and the transformation has been incredible. In just 9 weeks she has developed an incredible coat, blooming in health, her weight has improved hugely, her feet are stronger and good growth. Overall she is a lot better and happier pony. The pictures really do speak a 1000 words- with the help of Equi-Fit she has transformed from Weedy Wendy to Wonder Wendy
Jessica Price
HOYS Rider


Absolutely love 'Relax' for my stress head ex-racer. We went from having such difficultly the point I just stopped taking him anywhere to him now hacking quietly and confidently around our local village. He can now pass traffic, people and kids playing in the park without wanting to run away with his head tossing violently. I tried several other products before seeing an ad for Equi-Fit and found the help and advice I was given invaluable. Thank you for transforming the love of my life
Fiona Simpson
Ex Race Horse Owner


I would highly recommend this product to anyone. I was approached by the lovely Bec offering a sample of this calmer. I thought yeah why not try.. To be honest I was very sceptical at first but her being convinced that I will see the results within 1-3days gave me the push to try it. OMG I am so happy I did. Let me just tell you about my mare haha.. Very opinionated and marish to say the least haha. Especially when in season!! Spooky to the point where she will spin 180degress when spooked and bronk off hard to sit into that when in season she will not allow you to brush her and we agreed this is how it will be and fully groom when not in season as not worth the agro and stress for her and myself.. We have tried all products on the market promising a calming effect.. Magnesium based and no magnesium.. Hormonal calmer.. Creams.. Sprays.. You name it we tried it.. I will not name the brands but if anyone wants to know which ones we tried or ask if we tried one in particular always welcome to ask us. For a mare that likes food Summer is very fussy and I always had troubles giving her the other calmer.. Trying different tricks for her to eat it.. This calmer however.. I give with her dinner and she kicks the bowl clean!!!! Bec told me to give 30g a day for 3 days.. I have noticed a complete change in attitude after her 3rd dose! Possibly due to me not giving enough as I later found out haha. Today I have 4th dose and she is unrecognisable really loving and cuddly.. And for the first time in years I could fully groom her when in season the bum area included. I am so chuffed.. So yes WOULD HIGHLY RECOMMEND This amazing product. And already ordered. I would also like to thank Bec for an amazing customer service as she would answer all my questions at any time of the day Many thanks Jo and Summer xx
Joanna Holland
Leisure Rider


I have a 15 year old ex racer who I’m at my wits end with.. doesn’t like to be tied up outside and has to be cold shod in his stable.. I went to a pleasure ride last weekend and he was a nightmare.. broke free twice and in the second time he broke his bridle and ran off! Finally got him back.. I was ready to give up until I enquired about the calmer that was advertised with this company.. I messaged and waited for a reply! Bec was amazing and so very very understanding.. she listened to what I had to say and advised me on what to do.. I ordered a sample Pack of the calmer and it arrived the next day...3 days supply to see how you get on.. My boy had two lots and wow! What a difference.. he stood outside, tied up and was a totally different horse for my new farrier! I was shocked as the weekend before I spent £30 on calming Products that totally failed! I wish I had known about this company before..
Claire Benno
Ex Race Horse Owner


I am so grateful to have found Bec! Not only has she helped me find a calmer that actually works (with practically instant results and complete transparency around ingredients) but she is proving to be an invaluable source of knowledge and guidance; I’ve learned so much just in the few conversations we’ve had! The supplement world can be an absolute minefield, and I was guilty in the past of buying into the ‘hype’ around the newest, trendiest product… But I can honestly say I won’t be going anywhere else for my supplements now. And to top it off, she’s an absolute darling! Thank you Bec; I feel like I’m getting my horse back xxx
Victoria Cope
Horse Owner & Rider


I can’t thank Equi -elite enough, their Equivit Relax horse has changed our lives. A month ago My big lad was tense and stressed. There had been days when i was too scared to ride. Since he has started Equivit Relax, not only am I back on board we are off out in the trailer to arena hire and hacking out alone and with friends. When schooling his concentration is better, he was spooking at everything and anything, he now works well without spooking. The support they provided is excellent. The information is evidence based and informative. Any questions I had they answered fully and quickly. The delivery is quick. If you had told me a month ago he would have changed so much I would never have believed it. It Honestly has changed our lives I have even planned to take him to a show in June. Thank you so much
Nicole Marie Webb
Horse Owner & Rider


As a producer of showjumping horses I find the range of products excellent! no matter what your horses level of training you will find a supplement in this range to help aid them in their work, weather it be a lethargic youngster or a buzzy GP horse you will find one to suit. This winter we have alot of 3yrolds inn getting broke, backed etc. This process can be very draining to such young animals, I selected two specific 3yolds that have been just backed to try on the EQUI-FIT YOUNG! This is amazing stuff turned both of them inside out, I now have two 3yrolds full of energy and enthusiasm with a super foundation to help them excel in the 4yrold classes next year. I highly recommend Pack of the calmer and it arrived the next day...3 days supply to see how you get on.. My boy had two lots and wow! What a difference.. he stood outside, tied up and was a totally different horse for my new farrier! I was shocked as the weekend before I spent £30 on calming Products that totally failed! I wish I had known about this company before..
Owen Mcamley
Professional Showjumper


Good morning lovely, OMG OMG OMG Rebel was the best he has ever been last night. Rosie has been working with him for the last 8 months taking him back to basics and that with your magical calmer he was the best he has ever been on home ground. As you know he would loose his head if there were more than 2 jumps but 11 one after the other is one heck of an achievement. I’m unsure now if to keep giving him two doses on lesson day or give him 10g once a day because it worked wonders
Alison Austin
Professional Showjumper


I am very positively surprised by the effects of Equivit-As supplements. I had the opportunity to use Relax Horse and Performance Booster for a long time and I must admit that the effects can be seen with the naked eye. Thanks to this combination, Sacramento was relaxed at the competition, and at the same time he did not lack energy. These are original supplements only made from natural ingredients, so I recommend them to anyone who wants to take care of their horse's mental and physical health


Finally, I can give my sincere opinion on these products. At first, I did not expect miracles but with an energetic, nervous, and stressful Arab, I was not counting on any quick effects. At first, I started testing the Relax product with the addition of Basic. In no more than a week, I did not recognize my horse Less stressed, does not panic like before and no longer hyperactive. The product has positively influenced my horse, so I highly recommend it!


My senior pony is supported by Equivit Senior, Equivit Basic, Equivit Performance Booster and Equivit Relax Horse. Thanks to these supplements, my pony has the strength to compete in international competitions without any problems. My young mare is supported by Equivit Basic, Equivit Performance Booster and Equivit Relax Horse, which gives her power in cross country to fly like a plane around the course. Both my horses are nervous and forward going.


Was so happy with the sample sent for me to try over bonfire night, I cant describe how pleased I was not to be getting that dreaded phone call that you will have to come up just as your getting in bed, my dude was calm and this horse would jump a mile if he spots a spider on the yard, I dread this time of year for my horses and dogs but my big boy is terrified not this year Thank you so much cant wait to look through your brochure.


Equivit-AS is the best supplement company created by great people. products are of great quality and are based on natural ingredients! I have been serving these to my horse for almost a year. most satisfied with the Equivit Relax Horse and Performance Booster set.


I have been giving these conditioners for my horses for 10 years now and I am very happy, my horses coat is shining, and it is joyful to ride. Highly recommended


I've recently been using the calming supplement Relax for my horse who recently lost his lifetime pair bond companion. I needed something to take the edge off him as he was anxious, confused, and unsettled.. it's taken a while to take effect but I think I'm seeing small changes.He appears to be less stressy, he is not so uptight and not so much calling going on when he is in the field. I've just ordered the basic supplement to use alongside the relax to help with his winter condition and to help see him through to spring.


After using the product for three days I did see a slight difference in my horse. I have ordered a bigger size as found price was extremely reasonable compared to a lot of other products. I felt like I could have done with the horse been on this a little longer to see full effects.


Tried the performance supplement on a jumping pony whilst at a stay away show. Found the supplement great. Pony pulled out on the final day in fabulous form. Now part of our show essentials. Also used the relax on an anxious and stressy pony. She was super chilled and less anxious whilst away from home. Would recommend both supplements. Great products.


I've recently been using the calming supplement Relax for my horse who recently lost his lifetime pair bond companion. I needed something to take the edge off him as he was anxious, confused, and unsettled.. it's taken a while to take effect but I think I'm seeing small changes. He appears to be less stressy, he is not so uptight and not so much calling going on when he is in the field. I've just ordered the basic supplement to use alongside the relax to help with his winter condition and to help see him through to spring.​